The Mix and Paradox; Change is Transformation!

Change. I like the word and the concept of change. It gives me the opportunity to begin in new and better ways. It puts me on the good platform on a game plan. It quickens my pulse to being proactive and gives me the flavours of adventure. But what is change? What changes and what makes change(s) worthwhile?

Transformation. This implies a marked change in form, nature and appearance. I love transformation because it is organic, introspective and still dynamic. That is when you look at transformation in the form of transformational leadership style. Who is transforming what and for what or for who?

Enough of this!

Change or Transformation, grammatically and in practice, you hardly talk about or do one without the other. In context they are actually synonyms!

The Mix and the Paradox. For me it amazing to see the hypes for change and transformation in Nigeria 2015 and the political parties. It seems to me that grammatical physiology of this two words is literally playing out in the anatomy of Nigeria politics. They are just the same with the same agenda, good or bad. Why fighting yourselves when you actually the same and fighting for the same thing; prosperity and/or poverty of Nigeria.

Largely you can not define transformation without change. So it is here. The Change crew is a defining version of the transformation crew. They have sang the song of transformation without actions and they left us with no results, now the song of change is over the what?!

Change or Transformation with whichever, we all need the 'disciplined culture' to do the right thing. I am adding that I am tired of the sound of generating set in my balcony, give me light and give me quality life!


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