HIV; radical approach, positive or not.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is the virus that causes AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The virus is a retrovirus. it grows and reproduces using the nutrients of human cells especially the immune cells.
A person may be HIV Positive without being an AID patient. An HIV positive patient would be said to have AIDS if he or she meet one or both of the following;
  •  The presence of one or more AIDS related infections or illnesses
  •  CD4≤200Cells/mm3 of blood (normal range =450-1200cells/mm3 of blood)
UNAIDS estimates that about 33million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide. About 3.6% of Nigerians were said to be infected with HIV and about 192,000 dying of AIDS. Most HIV positive persons live without symptons for about 10-12 years; this makes voluntary counselling and testing very essential and indisputable.

Early diagnosis is the key to management of HIV/AIDS. In essence, proper management begins with early diagnosis. Therefore, go test yourself, know your status and do it regularly. There are several free Voluntary Counselling and Testing, VCT points in the country today, e.g heart to heart centres.

Treatment and care is relatively available and accessibility has progressively increased in Nigeria in recent years. It is however very basic, and fundamental for everyone to test and every positive person makes themselves available for treatment and care. If anyone is not infected he or she should stay negative. Let every one get involved by caring for oneself and the next person.

An average Nigerian knows where to go, what to do, or even what to take whenever he he or she has headache or malaria, same should be true with HIV/AIDS. Let everyone be informed and take responsibility for adressing this crisis as expect more political and policy commitment.

Kofi Annan said
“The solution to AIDS crisis in Africa must primarily from Africa itself with support from wider International Community”.
But Timi says further,
“The solution to the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa is primarily a function of education, attitude and the sense of responsibility of everyone with all necessary political and policy support and commitment”.

Subsenquent publications shall deal with step-by-step procedure to counselling and testing, awareness about mode, risk and rate of transmission, prevention rules and techniques, prevention of mother to child transmission and treatment and care of positve patients with Antiretrovirals, ARVs and other drugs.


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